
New Publication: Diffuse Gliomas Molecular Biomarker Testing

Categoria: Notícias Publicado por: editorst Publicado em: 24/02/2022


Dear Colleague,

To improve diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy management for patients with diffuse gliomas, the new evidence-based clinical practice guideline, “Molecular Biomarker Testing for the Diagnosis of Diffuse Gliomas,” has been developed by the College of American Pathologists in collaboration with the American Association of Neuropathologists, the Association for Molecular Pathology, and the Society for Neuro-Oncology.

The new guideline establishes 13 recommendations and three good practice statements to answer the overarching question “What ancillary tests are needed to classify diffuse gliomas in order to sufficiently inform the clinical management of patients?”

We advise pathologists and treating physicians to review the guideline for the most appropriate methods, molecular biomarkers, and laboratory testing to include for optimal diagnosis, risk stratification, and prognosis. To aid implementation, tools and resources, including a summary of recommendations, teaching presentation, and a biomarker testing algorithm are available at no cost on


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