This event is part of a series of seminars organized around Digital Lymphoma Platform (, a collaborative project of Dr. M. Piris (Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Spain) and Dr. W. Klapper (University of Kiel, Germany), sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
The estimated duration will be about 60 minutes, spread over an initial presentation of 30 minutes in which the speaker, Dr. Piris, will show selected cases, and a discussion session of another 30 minutes in which you will be able to present cases of interest and make comments and questions. You will have the option to share your computer screen.
The seminar will take place on the GoToMeeting platform, which allows an easy and intuitive interaction. Previously, you must download and install the application to familiarize with the environment.
The cases selected by Dr. Piris will be available at If you wish to review them beforehand and do not have a user, please follow the instructions of the attached program.
We recommend joining the event a few minutes in advance and using a computer with headphones / microphone to facilitate interaction.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Access Code: 740-644-637
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Best regards,
Dr. Laura Gomez Gonzalez